Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A short midweek update...

Well class the last two days has been better than before but still frustrating. But I got some good advice on how to combat frustration when you may be trying to force something upon yourself that you can’t handle. So although I am not going to not take class seriously, I need to just lighten up, go with the flow like a coconut in the ocean and just float along picking up what I can along the ride.
Just a bit ago I made my first contact for a interview!!! The women, Lola, is the owner (daughter of owner but runs it now), of the greenhouse I toured this summer on my previous excursion into the unknown. She was great on the phone and said that as long as I try to speak Spanish, she can answer in English. SO luckily I have the interview questions translated all ready. I figure November will be my month of interviews and thesis information with a few other things thrown in the buffet to stay sane.
Ok so a quick story on another way the Andalucians are very into it later, take your time, etc etc. So I wanted to sign up for a rock-climbing and scuba diving course that the University offers because those are two things I really want to know how to do. More rock-climbing (escalado) then scuba (buceo). So I went to the deportes (US equivalent of intramural office) to attempt to sign up using my great hand gestures and broken Spanish. Like usual, hand gestures and a good smile worked....well kind of.
I was told that I need to go to a tent that was set up in the middle of the quad where a special booth was located where I could sign up. So I made my way over there. Once there I was told that I needed to go to the on campus bank to pay the 10 Euros necessary for a full year of intramural usage. So after waiting 20 minutes in line at the back, I went back to pick up my t shirt and....I thought sign up for the climbing and scuba. But the women had run out of forms for me to sign, or did not understand me, one or the other. I waited about ten minutes, cause I thought that is what she told me to do...eventually the crowd of swarming students overtook my metal stability and I biked away into the sun....hoping that tomorrow would bring better luck. Maybe the Spanish language ferry will visit me tonight!!! haha!
Current events wise: Two things of importance....of too many to list...1) Turkey moving into northern Iraq and the impacts that will have on the all ready torn country (thanks to us), 2) Will we really take aggressive action on Iran. If we do and people do not get out in the streets in MASS!!!! Then all really is completely lost! It may not happen but....things are already bad and with Hillary the primary democratic candidate, hell who knows what will happen. I wish Dennis Kucinich really had a chance in our country!!!! He will get my vote either way unless some other candidate arises with a similar conscience and government standards!!

Peace and Love

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