Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hola mundo,

Another day, another week through school! Class has continued its spiral of intense Spanish teetering on a level of being too great for my mind to compute. It just shows me how much information can be lost in three years when you are entering that much data into your brain. I am definitely envious of any person that has the capability or brain storage compactly to be multi-lingual and do something else. Having a class of three people is two things....1) It’s great to have the availability of the profesora and be close to the students in your class and 2) It’s a burden to be the worst person in the class, when everyone gets what is going on and you (me) are starring at a piece of paper like I was trying to answer the questions of the universe.
In class I feel like I do not know how much more we could cover before either my brain explodes (total recall style) or we covered the entire Spanish language (at least it seems that way to me). My Wednesday and Thursday class is actually a lot better. I am the only one in the class and instead of jumping straight into Spanish business; the teacher has been doing refresher Spanish language courses with me in the hope of sparking some lost brain cells. Whether this will work or not I am not sure.
Last night me, Olivia, Laura (two girls from class), Demaili (An Italian ISA direct girl), Roman (aka boyfriend 2, German Erasmus student), and two of his German friends went out for Tapas. It was a pretty good time and the discussions ranged from gitty metaphor humor to intellectual philosophy question about nature and nurture. Of course I was the odd one out.....but it was nice to have a good discussion with people who capable of having that deep of a conversation. I left at about midnight (past my bedtime) and got to sleep a little before 1am. This no sleeping stuff really gets me. I have been trying to siesta but only managing a short 20-40min nap a day.
So today it rained and actually rained pretty damn hard for this being the driest desert in Europe. Of course the weather was wrong so I rode my bike to class thinking nothing of the grey sky and elevated humidity and instead enjoying the cooler than normal temperatures as my growing hair flapped in the whisping breeze.
Tomorrow I decided that I am going to Murcia with my roommates. I had been pondering hanging around for this extended weekend but what better way to practice Spanish then to go on a road trip to a new city. OOO yeah, I am not skipping class!!! It’s one of many catholic fiestas tomorrow.
I have made two preliminary contacts for my thesis and only need to set up an appointment to get the interviews.
I started reading two new books: Dark Ages America and Fatal Harvest (a collection of essays, not really a book). The introduction and first chapter of Dark AA has me salivating for more. Although its semi depressing, it’s so interesting to have ideas that float through your head written in a book by an author who has done his research. I would recommend this book for everyone. I wish we did not live in a era of surveillance and armored police because I think we could make a difference. But with cameras on street corners in citys, you have to be ready to disappear behind steel bars or into the woods. That’s all I will say but if you are smart enough you know what I mean. When will people stop living in the cave and walk out and free themselves from brainwashing of capitalism and globalization! Maybe in the end the thing to do is just drop out.....when the future looks so bleak......


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