Friday, October 26, 2007

What We Can Do to End the War
By Tara Lohan, AlterNet.

The majority of Americans and Iraqis oppose the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. Polls indicate that 70 percent of Americans are against the war and over 80 percent of Iraqis want coalition troops out of their country. In the four and a half years since the invasion, nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed and nearly 30,000 seriously wounded. There have also been an estimated 1 million Iraqi civilians killed and over 4 million have fled for their lives.

The war has racked up a bill of over $600 billion of our taxpayer money and yet left Iraq a country in economic shambles and political unrest, and with a population living in fear of daily violence. (Check out the video to the right.)

For the duration of this war, people in the United States have raised their voice in opposition. They have marched, signed petitions, held vigils and written to their elected officials. But it hasn't been enough. Yet.

This Saturday, Oct. 27, United for Peace and Justice, the largest anti-war coalition in the United States, has organized 11 massive anti-war rallies to take place around the nation. Participating organizations include veterans and military family groups, as well as hundreds of national and local peace groups.


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