Monday, June 26, 2006

Hello all,

Its hotter and humid here then I espectied and have been sweating like a malaysian child slave. Slavakia is a country still recovring from the grasp of Communism and it shows. The capital is in the process of renovation to help make it beutifal for tourist. The people are the most unfriendly so far on my journey but I guess I might too if I was under communism so long. They just became independent in 1993. The two castels here are pretty cool and the one further out of town dates to 500 BC although it has changed since then. The women are very beutifal and usually with ruff looking guys but do not even give you the time of day. Sorry for no daily up date but there is only one computer and usally you have someone stearing over your shoulder. Tomarrow to Budapest with the Germans/ Neubian I met and maybe the Puerto Ricans as well. We shall see!! Hope all is well. More from BUdapest about the trip before.


Politics are pretty much the same. All Europeans share my general consensus plus there own ideas about what is going in the world. The two Kansas kids I met totally put a damper on my opinion on the future on the USA as far as poltics. If middle america is still the dumb to think Bush has saved us from Terriosm and lesser of two evils comapred to Kerry. We have a long road ahead of us folks. In addition they were hoping that Jeb gets elected..........shoot me in the head, throw me off a bridge and shit on my head. Ignorant people who have a college education and are just finishing a trip of Eastrn Europe. You would think this would culture them a little more but no, all they did is go from City to City lloking for the best women and clubs, shit shit shit

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