Monday, February 18, 2008

(This is a really good article about reasons for the shooting, read the whole thing!)
Illinois Shooting: Society in a State of Decay
by max blunt
A Culture of Desperation

On Thursday afternoon, a mass shooting took place at Northern Illinois University (NIU), in DeKalb, a small city located about one hour’s drive west of Chicago. At the time of writing, six have died, including the killer, and another fifteen remain wounded, some in critical condition.

At about 3 p.m. a gunman, later identified as Steven Kazmierczak, age 27, emerged dressed in black from behind a projection screen on the stage of a small lecture hall and opened fire in a seemingly random manner, before shooting himself.

He carried a pump-action shotgun, which he had smuggled onto campus in a guitar case, as well as three handguns.
A Sick Society
The usual explanations will go only so far. We can expect the media to sift through the details of Kazmierczak’s life.....

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