Monday, February 18, 2008

(Sorry people if you disagree with this article, but it has my feelings about this whole election perfectly. Yes I agree that Obama (or Clinton) is a better canidate then question! But, what will really change? I do not know, but I dont think much. At least give it a read and make up your own mind!!)
Beggars Collide: Thus I Refute Critics
by Ben Tripp
If there was a nickel for every leftie I've pissed off with the expression of my views, I would not be rifling pay phones for change. This suits me fine, as do dimes and half-dollars. I didn't start writing in hope that everyone would agree with me all the time; anybody that did agree with me all the time would have to be some kind of crank. Back in 1992 when precious few people were making even the littlest peep against the slimes and arrows of outrageous fortunates, ninety-nine out of a hundred of my irate readers were right-wingers; now they're all liberals. I guess this is because, what with Obamarama and all that, folks on the Left think their day is finally coming. On that, we agree. I just happen to think it's a different day. Maybe (certainly) I'm just a big party pooper, but in the name of Old Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all, knock off acting like 'hope' is something that has energy and can perform work. It doesn't and it can't. It's just an emotion. We're talking about an abstract noun. Hope is just an affective meaning we apply to future events, of no more substance than amusement, irritation, or tridecaphobia: a feeling, an idea, nothing more. The first thing the Left in this country has to do is abandon hope. Then maybe we can get something done.

Here's a sample of a typical correspondence from an irritated reader whose hope my prick deflated:....


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