Saturday, February 02, 2008

Move-On Has Gone Mainstream by Supporting Obama
It seems with each passing day my Progressive world keeps getting smaller and smaller. We watched John Edwards drop out of the race days before “Super Tuesday” (and I’m suspicious about that), and today I asked Move-On to unsubscribe me from their mailing list which actually pained me because I was very involved with Move-On here in Greenville. I am going to miss working with some of the people I have met here, but I’m sure that we will see each other during other Progressive projects here.

The reason I can no longer support Move-On is for the endorsement that they handed to Senator Obama. I have a problem with Obama because of his campaign financing. I find it very difficult to believe that he is an “agent of change” when he openly takes money from the very industries and corporations that have been at the heart of this country’s change from a representative Republic to a corporate oligarchy. In Senator Obama’s list of donors is a line-up of the majority of corporations that make up the “military industrial complex”. This may not be an issue for many, but for me, it is a tragedy of great consequence. I don’t support and will not support another politician that is obligated to the same corporate boards that are supporting free trade alliances that promote outsourcing of American jobs overseas, fighting regulation by the Federal Government, and accepting subsidies from the Federal Government on each gallon of gas sold in America.

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