Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kucinich says he faces "swiftboat" attack
Posted by Molly Kavanaugh
U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich said he is facing a "swiftboat" attack in the March 4
Democratic primary and if he is reelected to the 10th Congressional district
he will continue to govern as he has for 12 years.

"I'm going to keep on working for the people," he said during an interview on this morning's "Sound of Ideas" on WCPN 90.3. "You have to build consensus.
That's what I do."

Swiftboating refers to an attack that is unfair or untrue. The term comes from the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth (formerly "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth") and their widely-publicized campaign against 2004 Presidential candidate John Kerry.

While not calling him by name, Kucinich was referring to candidate Joe
Cimperman, who has been hammering away at his failed presidential bid and
his record, which includes passage of one bill..


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