Monday, May 21, 2007

- This is very scary and makes me think, what the hell happened to our country with Bush as president. The amount of change not only here in the US but in the world is astonishing!!
Bush Anoints Himself as the Insurer of Constitutional Government in Emergency
By Matthew Rothschild
With scarcely a mention in the mainstream media, President Bush has ordered up a plan for responding to a catastrophic attack.

Under that plan, he entrusts himself with leading the entire federal government, not just the Executive Branch. And he gives himself the responsibility “for ensuring constitutional government.”

He laid this all out in a document entitled “National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51” and “Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20.”

The White House released it on May 9.

Other than a discussion on Daily Kos led off by a posting by Leo Fender, and a pro-forma notice in a couple of mainstream newspapers, this document has gone unremarked upon.

The subject of the document is entitled “National Continuity Policy.”

It defines a “catastrophic emergency” as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government function.”.....LINK

1 comment:

Liberal Intuition said...

From a post by Kpete:
"In a new National Security Presidential Directive, Bush lays out his plans for dealing with a “catastrophic emergency.”Under that plan, he entrusts himself with leading the entire federal government, not just the Executive Branch. And he gives himself the responsibility “for ensuring constitutional government.”
He laid this all out in a document entitled “National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51” and “Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20.”

Madame Speaker, Harry Reid, John Conyers, Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold, Patrick Leahy, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Murtha, Chuck Shumer, Maxine Waters and all of the other outspoken members of the Democratic Congress, as well as Democratic candidates John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, Mike Gravel et al. Where is your outrage? Where?

Invoke Article 2 Section 4 of the Constitution for these criminals while you still can.

This isn't just about the illegal occupation of Iraq, it is about the end of Constitutional Law in this country. Congress has recently received testimony from Jeremy Scahill about Blackwater and the 140,000 plus extremely well armed and State Department funded mercenaries who can, at the 'president's pleasure', serve as his Praetorian Guard (Since Bush keeps surging the National Guard to Iraq)...and now this. Maybe it is just me, but when I add the new "Presidential Directive" to the fact of Blackwater and the loss of Habeas Corpus, and to Bush's illegal warrantless wire taps and to the infiltration and Republicon take-over of the DoJ, the BIG alarms begin to go off.

Do not be afraid for your political careers. Call these despots into real and LAWFUL accountability. Take the political risk, stand together in courage and do the right thing for your country! The election of ’08 will mean nothing if you allow this Administration’s crimes to go unpunished.


The Bush administration has broken our military and seriously weakened the security of our Nation. Attorney General of the United States, Alberto Gonzalez, lies to Congress and walks. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ignores Congress and walks.. Vice President Dick Cheney outs a covert AMERICAN CIA agent and her operation, which put hundreds of AMERICAN operatives at risk, and walks. Outing a covert CIA agent is a crime, that if committed by anyone else, would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And Rove... good nothing to be done about Rove? These Neo-con criminals no longer try to conceal their contempt for the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

The Bush administration encourages war profiteering and has completely undermined our country's financial standing in the world. They embrace torture and genocide - more than 3,400 American troops and over a half million Iraqis and others have died, while thousands have been displaced, maimed and injured..Iraq, a once viable country, has been destroyed and may NEVER recover. High crimes and misdemeanors do not even begin to describe what king George and his Neo-con cabal have done to the U.S and to the world. But why should they stop what they are doing? A toothless Congress investigates while the Neo-con toadys in the corporate media spin to cover for the rogue Bush administration. They opt to discuss a candidate's weight or haircut for crissake, instead of reporting real news like the courageous testimony of James Comey before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which may have finally produced a smoking gun. Are we, in fact a banana republic? Has a coup already taken place?

WTF is happening here? It should be clear by now that there will be no respectful cooperation from the White House... ever. Surely the Democratic Congress understands how Bush and his cohorts operate. It is NOT business as usual with these criminals and Congress must start dealing with them as they would any other criminal.

For a while now, I have not been able to think seriously about the '08 elections because I am half-way convinced that either Rove’s “Republican Rule Forever” operation will continue as planned or that the elections will never take place, (a train of thought that used to reside in the cupboard with the tin foil). I do not doubt that the Neo-cons are willing to do anything and everything to retain their power and I now suspect that the '06 elections, for them, were just an annoying bump in the road.

I am not a defeatist but my optimism and hope for this country has been seriously eroded lately and frankly I just don't know if anything We the People can do will make any difference........ at all.