Saturday, May 05, 2007

Christian Fundamentalist Hucksters Run God Inc.
by max blunt As Bush implodes from scandal, a German friend asked why poor and middle class Americans voted for him and other Republicans.

Two words help explain this discordant phenomenon: Falwell and Robertson.

These two religious swindlers would give him a clue about how the super rich work and the soldiers of God steer the USA -- and maybe the world -- toward destruction. (I almost said Hell.)

In 1967, Reverend Jerry Falwell began his "Christian" reproductive apparatus by founding the Lynchburg Christian Academy.

His "academically excellent" and "Christ-centered" K-12 school teaches Christian -- Falwellian -- lessons.

In 1971, Falwell founded Liberty University, an institution of "higher learning" that has 22,000 students from 50 states and 80 nations.

Falwell's minions condition children from age 3 on. His "Christian" faculty indoctrinates the innocents through their doctorates. They have all committed themselves to Jesus Christ -- as Falwell sees and hears Him.

Falwell also publishes the monthly National Liberty Journal, with a circulation of 200,000 and Confidential, a weekly e-mail missile that reaches half a million zealous Christians.

In June 1979, Falwell launched the Moral Majority, an extremist lobbying movement...LINK

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