Saturday, May 12, 2007

Liberal Protest Vs Armed Resistance
by max blunt
Review of Pacifism as Pathology | By Ward Churchill
This short book outlines how pacifism in the US is connected to a practice that poses no threat to the status quo.

And gives the illusion the state gives a damn about candlelight vigils and symbolic arrests; that actively undermines people doing effective organizing and action against the state.

Ward Churchill underscores the urgency of situation today: the American empire sustaining its rule by exploiting and dominating the world, abroad and at home.

Understanding that, how can we categorically foreclose even the idea of the use of violence? And how can we blame the victims of state violence for being too militant?
This is a small but indispensable volume for anyone seriously interested in social change, and who sooner or later may have to consider the place of violence in the general scheme of things.

As the title implies, and wasting little time in preparing the audience for what will surely be a disturbing argument to many, the author lays out his case against white progressives.

Or, to be precise, the liberal/social democratic complacent legions of mostly well-educated middle and upper middle class activists.

They are deemed "delusional" not only in the ineffectual tactics and strategies they pursue (which the ruling elites are only too happy to accommodate as per a well-scripted minuet), but in the belief that they are actually performing revolutionary acts...LINK

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