Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day: A Celebration of Militarism
by max blunt
How fitting and how vulgar that as Amerika celebrates the wars and war heroes of its past, the U.$. military is pursuing two open wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We should take this day of remembrance to renew our solidarity with the international proletariat, and to strengthen our resolve in opposition to the ongoing imperialist war against the oppressed nations.

Organizing from within imperialist borders, it is our responsibility to expose the undeclared wars that make Amerikan imperialism the number one threat to the survival of this planet and its people.

Because we work in the countries whose citizens live as parasites off the labor of the neo-colonies, we must also take care to expose the culture of militarism within the oppressor nations.

We may mourn the loss of all lives that have been taken in the service of perpetuating Amerika's and its imperialist allies' hegemony over the oppressed nations......LINK

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