Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ok...the Dems cave in and give Bush a blank check for the occupation of Iraq...I see two possible reasons both of which are not any better:
1) The Dems give Bush the money so that he can mess up even more and leaving voters in '08 no choice but to vote for 'the other party' and thus the Dems would have a overwhelming majority. This is fucking sick....we are willing to let more American lives (most around my age) die so that a party can gain more power. Instead of allowing this they should be putting impeachment papers in the Senate/House. I say when election time comes we either vote for a different party or a democratic candidate who is not afraid of the powerful lobbies and corporations that run this country and will stand up and say we need out of Iraq and need to focus on all the domestic issues going on (Health care, education, etc.)
2) They some how have been brainwashed into thinking that this occupation will be successful. If this is the case, all is lost and are federal republic is doomed to a slow but steady decline!
Thats my thoughts and I am sticking to them.....PEACE AND LOVE....speak out, get out, however you can lets try to make a difference and bring this country back to the people!!

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