Saturday, May 12, 2007

Diminish Violence and Extremism

by Kamala Sarup

Peace will reduce conflicts, violence and extremism. If the leaders of countries promote education and values that emphasize national and international identification, then the conflicts will diminish, in the long run. If they promote sufficient economic, judicial and political equality, then the people at the bottom of the ladder will not want to topple those at the top. Therefore, the results of reducing violence and extremism are that when people engage in production and art rather than war, then the killing and maiming are reduced and the general living standards are increased and people are more satisfied.

The results of reducing conflict, violence and extremism are that when people engage in production and art rather than war, then the killing and maiming are reduced and the general living standards are increased and people are more satisfied. However, people are ignorant, aggressive and acquisitive, so conflicts remain. That is why, in every country, it is necessary to have organized, non-violence groups.

Most of the conflicts, violence and extremism in the World are the result of poverty and oppression. Unfortunately, under capitalism, "the consumer is king", and under communist governments the hierarchy takes care of itself, so people born in more favorable environments with ability and motivation will get a big share of the food while those in less favored environments will go poor and they engage in war.....LINK

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