Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ok every body I made it back to the US in one piece. I arrived at DFW at about 1040 pm or so and got to sleep at about midnight. So all together I was up 24 hours or maybe a little less. This morning we headed back to Comanche with a quick stop at Central Market to pick up some groceries. Finally at 12 we were home and after about 5 hours or so we had finshed packing and now I am making my finall entry for the trip to Europe. I may try to post a few pictures later in the week!

Overall it was a great trip and I met many great people. I learned alot about the world and the trip helped to reemphazie some of my political fealings as well as heat my want to travel more of the world. I have been asked severl times what my favorite place to visit was but that seems like a hard and unfare question to ask. Everyplace I visited was beutifal and unique in its own way. Sometimes the people were not as friendly but maybe they had a harder life then other places.

I plan on continuing to make entries on this blog as the future unraviles and I would like to post my politcal thoughts as well. Sometimes its ranting and raving but its important to speak your mind because if you never do 2 plus 2 will equall 5 and big brother will become a reality more so then it is. Let us hope that the events in the middle east do not worsen and that things can be worked out; the problem is however, I doubt this and think they will only get worse.

Peace, love, courage to speak your mind,


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