Sunday, November 16, 2008

How To Save A Major Automobile Company
By Neil Young

Find a new ownership group. The culture must change. It is time to turn the page. In the high technology sector there are several candidates for ownership of a major car and truck manufacturer. We need forward looking people who are not restricted by the existing culture in Detroit. We need visionary people now with business sense to create automobiles that do not contribute to global warming.

It is time to change and our problems can facilitate our solutions. We can no longer afford to continue down Detroit's old road. The people have spoken. They do not want gas guzzlers (although they still like big cars and trucks). It is possible to build large long-range vehicles that are very efficient. People will buy those vehicles because they represent real change and a solution that we can live with.

The government must take advantage of the powerful position that exists today. The Big 3 are looking for a bailout. They should only get it if they agree to stop building autos that contribute to global warming now. The stress on the auto manufacturers today is gigantic. In order to keep people working in their jobs and keep factories open, this plan is suggested:

The big three must reduce models to basics. a truck, an SUV, a large family sedan, an economy sedan, and a sports car. Use existing tooling.

Keep building these models to keep the workforce employed but build them without engines and transmissions. These new vehicles, called Transition Rollers, are ready for a re-power. No new tooling is required at this stage. The adapters are part of the kits described next.

Link to con.


Unknown said...

This article demonstrates clearly why the world should be afraid of liberals, they have vage fuzzy ideas that are totally disconnected from reality. Building car bodies at significant cost only to put them into inventory hoping that new engines may be fitted into them at a future point in time is insane. It would be cheaper (and equally crazy) to just pay the Detroitworkers and send them home. At least we would not be wasting precious raw materials and consume energy while we build cars for the world's largest junk yard.

Liberal Intuition said...

At least us liberals are trying to think of new ideas. Yes, true..some may be more outlandish then others...however, we must think of something to not only change the way are auto manufactures keep producing products that are not suitable to are changing world...and at the same time keep an idustry that employs so many people in the all ready hard hit rust belt.