Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Questions for Dennis Kucinich
The Wild Card

Before you ended your quixotic bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in January and continued on as a congressman from Cleveland, did you believe you could really be president? No one runs unless they think they can.

But you’re a vegan. Do you think America is ready to elect a non-beef-eating president? I think America is ready for a president with a blood pressure of 90 over 60 who could beat most people half his age in a sprint.

I see you are scheduled to speak at the convention on Tuesday, at the Pepsi Center, which sounds like the name of a soda plant. Why is it called that? My guess is that Pepsi probably bought the naming rights. Naming rights are another thing my subcommittee — the Domestic Policy Subcommittee — is looking into.

What is the point of having a convention when the candidate has been preselected? Isn’t it just an excuse for a party? This is a great opportunity for Democrats to come together, to indicate our solidarity on providing jobs; helping people save their homes; health care for all; retirement security.


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