Sunday, July 06, 2008

In Brazil, Monsanto and Syngenta Lead Farm Model that Destroys Indians and Environment
Written by MST

The approval of Brazil's Provisionary Measure 422 (Medida Provisória (MP) 422) by the Brazilian federal deputies on Tuesday night, May 27, a few hours after the resignation of Marina Silva, the ministry of the Environment, confirms that the defense of biodiversity is losing the battle against deforestation and development at whatever cost, which are defended by diverse sectors of the government.

The recently approved MP 422 can be translated as the "legalization of land grabbing". It deals with the sale of public lands of up to 1,500 hectares without bidding - broadening the limit by a thousand hectares - under the tutelage of INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform, or Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária).

Now, MP 422 awaits the company of the Draft Act proposed by senator Flex Ribeiro (PSDB-PA), or PL 6.424, another large incentive to the devastation. This law will reduce the requirement for legal reserves (areas for forest preservation) in Amazonian properties from 80% to 50%.


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