Monday, November 05, 2007

Weekend Update.

Well this weekend was again probably a little too much. It’s one of those that leave you feeling like you have dropped such an amount of brain cells that your brain capacity and intelligence is growing towards hamster status. It really is the Spanish way, particularly for people my age but I really cannot do it anymore. The fun you have at night does not equalize to the day light that is lost and the lost feeling that comes with the following day.
Friday night was the best of the weekend with a great reggae concert at La Cueva. Well I guess it was more of a DJ Reggae show then an actual show but still it was good stuff. They played mostly stuff I did not know and wish I did know. I would have been perfectly content with going home after that but alas I did not.
Saturday night was fun as well with beer, wine, and drinking games at a friend’s house. Soon enough however it was 5 in the morning with the sunlight quickly marching towards the horizon and my mind slowly deteriating into a glob of nothingness.
Sunday during the day I hung out at the beach, read, and tried to relax.
One of the most frustrating things about not being able to speak a language is an inability to have your word in a political discussion. There are so many times when I want to explain some of views that I know friends would find interesting but alas with a Spanish vocabulary of an elementary student this seems impossible. It pisses me off so much though and adds to the frustration.
Interesting side notes. It turns out that my roommates are ripping me off for rent; at least in comparison to every other friend I have in Almeria. Still it is cheaper than the US but that does not change the felling of disappointment that I feel. In addition, the relationship between all of seems to have changed. Living with a woman couple has and will continue to be an interesting experience. Actually it is my first time to live with a maybe a guy/girl couple is similar.
A thing that disappoints me about Spain (I think) is that my roommates tend to only hang out with other homosexuals. I guess this means that Spanish people segregate them into that or they have chosen that. I think that the first is true but perhaps I am wrong.
My general knowledge of basic Spanish is pretty good....basically the essentials to travelling in a Spanish speaking country...but I am far from being the conversational I claim on my resume. One more month to go!!!
I have an interview tomorrow afternoon and I am working on another one for the week as well. Stay tuned for updates.

Paz and Amor

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