Monday, March 12, 2007

Killing the Constitution By Irene Rheinwald

03/12/07 "ICH" -- -- The Bush-Cheney imperialist, neo-liberal, neo-conservative government, is arguably the apex of American hubris, an apex of demagoguery. Of course, one cannot dismiss the pride and arrogance of past administrations. President McKinley stated the United States must “civilize and Christianize” the Philippines. Woodrow Wilson, much-admired president and unabashed white supremacist, architect of ‘Wilsonian idealism’, occupied Haiti and the Dominican Republic, seized Vera Cruz, and sent American troops into European battlefields. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, America claimed the inalienable right to guide, either subtly or by force, the destiny of sovereign nations. Behind the seductive, morally presumptuous language of freedom and democracy is the unmistakable odor of imperial self-interest and disdain for autonomy. Determined to advance her narrow economic interests, the United States has worked to overthrow legitimately elected governments around the world Most recently, we have the fiasco of an illegal invasion of Iraq.

What, in the American psyche, permits governments to engage in illegal activities, all the while proclaiming noble aspirations? The truth is much more sinister. One mantle of hypocrisy is religion, that much abused font of enlightenment and enslavement, a tool manipulated for either great good or great evil. In addition, we must ask how religion affects the interpretation and application of the Constitution. LINK to the rest

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