Monday, March 19, 2007

The 'Greening' of Capitalism [So Long As We Keep on Consuming]
by max blunt at 03:01PM (CET) on March 19, 2007 |

The capitalist creed is founded in part on the false notion that ‘human nature’ is an immutable force, self-interest will always win out, it’s built into our ‘genes’, no matter how hard we try, greed will triumph The entire 'green' issue is framed in the context of consumption or lack of it The marketing goal is to keep the capitalist system a going concern and rectify the mess it's made of the planet No mean feat and one the spin doctors are working overtime on selling to us

Perhaps the greatest contribution socialism has given us is the idea that we could, at last, take charge of our own destinies.

Prior to this, we assumed that ‘our betters’ knew best and that such ideas as freedom and justice, especially economic justice were utopian dreams, simply not realizable. LINK

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