Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Evidence Mounting for Armchair Revolution:

Ambivalent Couch Potatoes Mobilizing

By J.D. Suss

03/06/07 "
ICH' -- -- Human activity causes global warming and climate change. Yet even otherwise reasonable and intelligent citizens disbelieve it. Why? To err is to be liberal, and, if footnotes are lacking, unscientific. Better to err as conservator (of what? the status quo?) of that set out below?

Agribusiness and factory farms put dangerous chemicals into the food chain. Synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, fumigants, and such – all go into our bodies. After all is said and done, you are what you eat, aren’t you? Forcing ruminants to eat corn instead of grass, and heavily investing in the monocrops of corn and soy is said to be at the root of alarming agro-problems. Hey, haven't you heard? Our modern, unnatural farm techniques are causing untold animal suffering and spoiling our environment. Haven't you heard?

Food technology and food processors work hand-in-glove with agribusiness and factory farms. It is not enough that our food is already adulterated because of how it is grown or raised. Laboratories genetically modify it. Manufacturers further degrade it via various processes that modify it in a multitude of other synthetic ways. With high fructose corn syrup in practically everything now (since its invention in 1980), child obesity and type-two diabetes have grown to epidemic proportions. And oh, say, can you see? Industrial food chain supermarket displays of sugary or artificially sweetened soft drinks – sugary breakfast cereals piled high. Hey, what about that?! We better get the FDA on the case! Hah! LINK

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