Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Forced evacuations point to lawless state

By Fatih Abdulsalam

Azzaman, October 15, 2006

The failure to halt the forced evacuation of people on sectarian grounds in Baghdad is yet another indication that the situation in the country is out of control.

It points to the fact that the centers of power in Baghdad are isolated from their surroundings and that their only trappings of power are their futile statements and political rhetoric.

Nearly four years after the U.S.-led occupation, Baghdad is a wild city. Government and U.S. troops have failed to develop a civilized system of government.

The troops, both Iraqi and American, heavily rely on military operations and raids, which they conduct day and night, in their policing of Baghdad.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the failure of these techniques, both sides are apparently adamant to proceed with them.

Therefore, instead of turning Baghdad into a success story for the rest of the country to follow, the city has become one of the most violent places in the world.

We believe that without government implication, forced evacuations on this large-scale will be impossible to take place amid the presence of tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Marines.

We cannot accept claims by the authorities that the troops are not strong enough to have Baghdad under control and put an end to the current carnage.

Many Iraqis now believe both the government and the occupiers have hidden agendas and conditions on the ground are the best proof, they say.

Those wanting to create a new, civil and democratic Iraq must have first set their eyes closely to have Baghdad secured by turning it into an example of social justice and security.

Instead, they have divided Baghdad into ‘terrorist’ quarters and ‘loyal’ districts and began implementing a murderous and bloody liquidation under official or semi-official policies.

The result has been massive displacement of people in Baghdad to the extent that certain quarters have been emptied of their original inhabitants.

These policies are doomed to failure and even the most of tyrannical regimes in the world have found them futile.

It is Baghdad, stupid. So long as Baghdad does not enjoy peace, the rest of Iraq will not have it. Baghdad has always been Iraq’s mirror of failure or success.

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