Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The making of Israel's apartheid
Phil Gasper recounts the history of how Israel was founded on the basis of the expulsion of the Arab population of Palestine.

ZIONISM IS a political movement that originally emerged in the late 19th century as a response to anti-Semitism, particularly in Eastern Europe. Capitalist development had undermined the traditional commercial roles that many Jews had played in the old feudal economy. As the economy moved into periodic crises, ruling groups in many countries deflected mass anger by scapegoating Jews.

Zionists drew the pessimistic conclusion that anti-Semitism couldn't be eliminated--and that to escape persecution, Jews had to emigrate to a region where they could set up an exclusively Jewish state. Theodore Herzl, known as the father of Zionism, wrote of "the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism," and called for a Jewish state to be set up in an undeveloped country outside Europe.

Herzl was explicit that the program could be carried out only with the backing of one of the major imperialist powers. Once such support had been won, the Zionist movement would conduct itself like other colonizing ventures.

Link to con.

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