Friday, August 03, 2007

Self Terrorism by Steve Fournie

Who needs terrorists when people are scared to drive over a bridge? They know that the bridge-maintenance authorities are understaffed, chronically short of money, and run by political hacks with friends and relatives in high places. They don’t know which bridges are defective and which ones aren’t, and they don’t want to know. Whenever they have a chance, they vote to impoverish government by cutting their own taxes, ensuring the further deterioration of their public assets. So we're frightened whenever we pass over one of these structures, and we should be.
First order of business in a catastrophic event like the collapse of a bridge over the Mississippi is to get the public officials before the public to express their condolences, pray on TV, and accept the congratulations of the press for showing up to do so. Never mind that they're responsible for maintaining the bridge and spent the money that should have been allocated for maintenance on bullets and bombs instead. “Never again,” these folks like to say whenever this sort of thing happens, which is regularly. LINK

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