Thursday, August 09, 2007

(Please do not vote for Clinton and continue the Bush, Clinton, Bush...presidential line...We should all be looking at Edwards...he is the only one working for the middle and working class)
Hillary Clinton: The GOP's Favorite Democrat
by Ernest Partridge
Officials at Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation have contributed to Hillary Clinton's campaign, and Murdoch himself has held fund-raisers in her behalf. Lawyers at Kenneth Starr's law firm, Kirkland and Ellis, have donated more to Clinton than they have to all of the Republican candidates combined. In addition, reports that "Large US [law] firms ... are giving thousands more to Democratic hopefuls than Republicans. Top Wall Street investment banks and hedge funds are also giving more to Democrats." We can assume that most of these donations are going to the front-runners, Clinton and Obama. And finally, Hillary Clinton's appearance last week at the Yearly Kos, was cut short by her appearance at a fund-raiser at the estate of billionaire, Ron Perlman.Hillary Clinton appears to be the favorite Democrat of Republican haves and have-mores. LINK

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