Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"Smoking Guns" Nail Bush Administration -- If People Only Paid Attention

By Paul Abrams

1. Wolfowitz's memo to Douglas Feith prior to launching the Iraq War. Wolfowitz did not ask Feith whether an al-Qaeda connection to Saddam had been found. (We already knew about the group in the NW of Iraq, NOT connected to Saddam). What Wolfowitz said in the memo is that Feith had failed to find evidence of Saddam's al-Qaeda connection, i.e., that he had not found the evidence to support what Wolfowitz already "knew." He was instructed to do a better job of getting that evidence, not to provide an assessment of whether that connection existed.....

2. Email from White House to Justice Department on firing attorneys. Read by Sen. Dianne Feinstein at the Gonzales hearing, the memo detailed a strategy -- fire them, do it in such a way that no one in particular was responsible, and be prepared for flak. Isn't this, uh, exactly what happened? No one knows who put the names on the list, the key people did not even know there WAS a list(!), and Gonzales claimed (initially) he was hardly involved......

3. Cheney's outing of Valerie Plame, that emerged from sworn testimony in the Libby trial.....

4. Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch . The administration knowingly lied about their circumstances of death and injury. .......
LINK to read full story

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