Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bush & The Cult of Personality
by max blunt
Power-Hungry Regimes

Personality cults sometimes form in power-hungry regimes, such as Stalinist Russia or Mao's China.

Through extensive government-led propaganda campaigns, the leader is elevated to an almost divine level.

He is venerated as a liberator and a savior in the war against good and evil. He wins the blind adulation of an effectively brainwashed public. And he is neither questioned nor held accountable.

Much of Bush's popular appeal comes from his well-rehearsed down-home Texas style.

Most people don't seem to realize that Bush grew up in New England, a true Connecticut Ivy League Yankee, every bit as white-bread as John Kerry.

It's easier to disarm the public when you can make them think that you're one of them.

Combine the good ol' boy demeanor with religion, and you've got yourself a ticket to red-state glory.

Bush overcame a nasty drinking problem when he found religion. This became his new addiction, his new obsession, his new escape from reality. AC

Manufactured Cult of Personality

Much has been written through the ages, of course, on the predictable ability of man to go tribal and reverently elevate a singular person to godly-like political status: the cult of personality.

The ability to generate such a following is a form of charisma; expressed as a psychosis in human behavior it means blindly following whatever the charismatic leader says, no matter the felonies proposed or the utter failures of the past.... LINK

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