Sunday, February 04, 2007

Who are we?
By Charles Bear

Who are we, the empty men and women of America, the cowards who deny we are imperialist and deny we’re trying to remake the world in our image. We have become the New Fascists, the Americans who demand security as we gut the world and take it as we can and are willing to exterminate to get it.
There is no escaping the fact that the U.S. is an imperialist nation conceived in genocide and racism that has continued through the ages, and worsened with the rise of modern technology and weaponry. With the advent of smart bombs came stupid and immoral leaders. Our litany of crimes against earth and humanity are concealed under layers of moral language, but the actual deeds belie the intent behind what is being done in our name. Ignorance, however, does not absolve anyone from culpability Charles Sullivan
The Chinese leaders and intellectuals with whom I was meeting were incredulous. How could a majority of the population in an allegedly free country with an allegedly free press be so totally misinformed?
The only answer I could give the Chinese is that Americans would have been the perfect population for Mao and the Gang of Four, because Americans believe anything their government tells them. Paul Craig Roberts
02/03/07 "ICHBlog' -- -- The United States is the land of insidious intent and self induced amnesia. I am no longer a young man full of hope for himself and his fellow kind. Being born in 1943 brings with it a special responsibility. I have a letter my Father wrote from the war—“the horror, the horror of it all.” It went way beyond his ability to give words to it, but I was with him when he died, the horror, the horror of it all still plagued him to his death. With his dieing breath he referred to himself as a murderer—the results of mayhem in Europe and Africa while I lay in my crib or at my mother’s breast. But this is 2006, my father now two years gone.

But now my own horrors plague me, I live in the greatest Empire of all time—the elite of this country controls or tries to control the world. Neither the war to end all wars or the continuation called WW II has stopped the horror. Americans of the twentieth century have much blood on their hands—my hands and your hands—our hands. Way too much blood. And it continues to be let—in your name, in my name it continues: torture, destructions and death on a global scale.


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