Monday, March 30, 2009

GOP Senator from Texas: It's "World War III" if the winner of the Minnesota Senate race, Al Franken, is seated
by Joe Sudbay (DC)

Republicans are desperate to keep Al Franken out of the Senate. How desperate? Threatening "World War III" desperate:
Texas Sen. John Cornyn is threatening “World War III” if Democrats try to seat Al Franken in the Senate before Norm Coleman can pursue his case through the federal courts.

Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, acknowledges that a federal challenge to November’s elections could take “years” to resolve. But he’s adamant that Coleman deserves that chance — even if it means Minnesota is short a senator for the duration.

A three-judge panel is expected to rule any day now on legal challenges to the November election.

Link to con.

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