Sunday, December 07, 2008

Workers’ Revolution in America: Approaching Zero Hour
McCamy Taylor

Today I read a little gem written in 1926 by Heinz Neuman, called Marx and Engels on Revolution in America . In the journal below, I will quote from this text which quotes liberally from the writings of Engels, but I encourage you to read the whole work (which is quite short) yourself. Here is a link:

If you have ever wondered why the United States has lagged behind Western Europe in work hours, health care, maternity leave and other issues affecting workers, Engels provided some thought provoking answers back in the 19th century. He also spelled out the conditions under which the workers of the United States would stop being complacent and start their own revolution.

From the looks of things, we are fast approaching the right combination of conditions.

“When the Americans once
begin, they will do so with an energy and virulence,
in comparison with which we in Europe will be chil-

Engels letter to Schlueter, dated March 30,

I. Whose Fault Is It When You Lose Your Job? Your Fault or the Job’s Fault?

Link to con.

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