Friday, September 12, 2008

Republicans, stop calling Obama elitist
Because the real reason you don't like him is that he's smarter than you.
By Bill Maher

New Rule: Republicans need to stop saying Barack Obama is an elitist, or looks down on rural people, and just admit you don't like him because of something he can't help, something that's a result of the way he was born. Admit it, you're not voting for him because he's smarter than you.

In her acceptance speech, Gov. Sarah Palin accused Obama of using his run for the White House as a "journey of personal discovery" -- this from the lady who just spent 10 minutes of her speech introducing her family -- Track, Trig, Bristol, Piper -- for a minute there I thought she was calling in an airstrike.

Karl Rove described Obama as "the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini, and making snide comments about everyone who passes by." Unlike George Bush, who's the guy at the country club who makes snide comments, and then passes out. Now this characterization, of course, was something Mr. Rove just completely pulled out of his bulbous, gelatinous ass, but remember this is America, a land where people believe anything they hear. One of McCain's ads casts Obama as "the one," implying he thinks he's the Messiah. Good, maybe he can raise McCain from the dead.

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Calls Barack Obama "Uppity"
I'm sure you've heard by now that Congressman Lynn Westmoreland, who represents Georgia's 3rd district, when asked to comment on John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for vice president and contrast her with Michelle Obama said: "Just from what little I've seen of her and Mr. Obama, Senator Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity." [sic] When the reporter asked if "uppity" was really the word he wished to use, Westmoreland said: "Uppity, yeah."

Last year, Westmoreland was one of only two members of Congress (422-2) to vote against a bill named after the slain 14-year-old African-American boy, Emmett Till, which would provide funds to the FBI to investigate killings during the civil rights era. He sponsored a bill to post the Ten Commandments in the House and the Senate but can't even name all ten of them by memory. He recently held vigil in the House with other Republican dead-enders demanding that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi call the chamber into session to appease their "Drill here, Drill now!" demands. Said Westmoreland: "This is about Nancy Pelosi versus the people of the United States. She's elected by the San Francisco mentality." Westmoreland apparently considers Californians "uppity" too because we don't want to sacrifice a $6 billion-a-year tourist industry that employs 2 million people so that oil conglomerates can rake in more record profits and good ol' boys in Westmoreland's district can pump gas into their trucks and hummers that is a few pennies cheaper in 10 years (while the planet continues to heat up).


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