Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Time for Change

The latest econ news for the US says that we have seen a 3.5% increase. Like Lee Corso would say "not so fast my friend". Lets us imagine several possibilities for this increase:
1. Corporate gains with an increase in the rich getting richer and investing money thus increasing the stock market and the economy
2. Borrowing of money from China, a booming economy. Because China has loaned so much money it would seem they have a keen interest in getting their return.
3. War in Iraq. Anytime there is a war it produces jobs for various things all funded by the government or given tax breaks, etc.

Those are only three of a long list. I am no economist but like Webb said in his response State of the Union speech, do not fallow how Wall Street does but rather fallow Main Street.
We are the only developed country in the world with no form of universal health care or even at least coverage for the lower class. The burrows in New Orleans were quickly forgotten and left to be re-developed by more affluent house owners, turned into parks or left as shanty towns for the poor to worry about on their own. This is only a few of the growing problems and separation between rich and poor.

I want to talk about living in a State of Fear. Browsing through the TV last night I stopped on Fox News (always a good laugh) to hear Bill O'Riley calling the Vermont newspaper that called for the impeachment of Bush and CO. pure propaganda created by the liberal media. Mr. O'Riley claimed that Bush has made America safer and their has been no attacks on US soil for 5 1/2 years. BUT.....what liberties do we have to give up for us to be so safe on US SOIL. Shall we let BUSH destroy are democracy and liberties. Bush went to war on false pretenses and has put the US armed forces in the biggest quagmire since Vietnam. If the war on terror was so important why didn't we send 100K troops to Afghanistan instead of Iraq.
This all be said, we as Americans must come together and wage protest against this war and administration and demand are rights for all, back! It is true that there are many of with the same opinions the various blogs or newspapers, etc. but I think it is time for us to some out of are offices and into the streets to show we really want change.

I have not talked about key issues that the Bush admin has forgotten, falsified or wrongly justified: Global Warming, Separation of Church and State, Space Agency, Stem Cell, etc. but these items are not forgotten yet the opposite just not mentioned in this short argument.

Last...I fully support the troops and no way think they are doing a bad job. I have nothing but the utmost respect for all of the men and women of the armed forces. It is the suits that put them in the desert that I do not agree with and this is why we need another plan! Not just internationally but domestically as well!

The time is now!

Ty Wolosin

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