Thursday, December 14, 2006

Interesting Book:

Fixing the Republic Without Overthrowing the Government
Joel S. Hirschhorn
This book will disturb your equilibrum, no matter what your political beliefs are. Unlike any other book because it goes way beyond criticism of the current state of the American political system - it has solutions! This book will motivate millions of non-voters to get back into the citizenship game. It presents the best case ever why the current sorry state of American democracy creates an historic opportunity for a new third party candidate to become President of the United States.

Part 1 presents detailed analyses of the three branches of government and the "fourth estate" for a compelling message that American democracy has steadily gone downhill. American society is saddled with distractive consumerism, a culture of dishonesty, and rampant corporate corruption of government. Despite what false patriots tell us, we now have a delusional democracy, not one that citizens can trust to serve their interests. We clearly need a Second American Revolution.

Part 2 presents details about a number of
practical solutions for fixing our republic peacefully - actions and techniques that have been proven to work in states or other countries. Are you willing to suffer some pain and see the truth? Or, like so many Americans, will you remain in a delusionary state? This book will convince you that there is no hope as long as the two-party duopoly remains in control. More importantly, it will convince you that a new third party is more than necessary for salvaging American democracy - it is increasingly seen by Americans as the only hope for our future. Eligible voters who do not vote are not to be condemned - they are to be respected and motivated to vote by being offered a new, trustworthy alternative.

LINK to read more about the book and author

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